"Food, in the end, in our own tradition, is something holy. It's not about nutrients and calories. It's about sharing. It's about honesty. It's about identity."
--Louise Fresco

"Truths are first clouds; then rain, then harvest, then food." --Henry Ward Beecher

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Shopping for Chicken Soup...

Steven and I are on a journey to better health through better foods. One of our goals this month is to start making bone broths.  So, today we picked up the ingredients for our first foray into this new adventure.

I'm fighting to get over a stomach virus, so my husband wants to make an Indonesian chicken soup, using a broth made with chicken bones and some Chinese and Southeast Asian medicinals.  Some of the “special” ingredients include things like dried mushrooms, seaweed, and (dum dum duuuum...) chicken feet.  *giggling*

I call our son, Matthew, to check up on him, and he asks what we're doing. I tell him I am waiting for his Dad in the car, while he shops in the large Asian grocery store nearby. I hear an indrawn breath. He asks me another question, "Ummmm, what exactly is Dad buying in that market, Mom?"

I tell him, "Chicken feet and seaweed."

I hear a loud gusty sigh as he processes my answer. “What do you need chicken feed for? Great, Dad's on one of his weird cooking things again.”

“No, chicken feet.  F-E-E-T."

He shrieks, "WHAT!?!? CHICKEN FEET?!?!" In the background, I could hear our 16-month old granddaughter yelling “'Top! 'Top!”

I permit myself a cruel chuckle and answer, "Yep. Chicken feet."

He immediately begins ranting about his father and his weird food and the whale penis...*snert*

Innocently, I ask him "What. Don't you like chicken feet?"

Very seriously, he replies, “Of course I do. On CHICKENS!"....*giggling again*

I did finally get him to relax. I explained to him, while he was gagging, that it was just part of the broth; not something he had to actually eat. I have to be honest, though, the entire conversation gave me the giggles.
